Single Sector Fund

Nikko AM Global Bond Fund

About the fund

The fund invests in a selection of bonds and other  fixed income instruments issued by companies and governments from around the world, covering a wide range of regions and sectors. This fund provides exposure to fixed income products outside of NZ and currency exposure is hedged to remove the impact of changes in value of the NZ dollar.

Risk Indicator (volatility)

4 Medium to High

Target Asset Allocation

Income 100.00%


As of 30 June 2024

Market Highlights

  • Encouragingly, inflation data in the second quarter indicates that disinflation is resuming its course in the US, UK, and Europe, with Japan being the exception, potentially facing a new inflationary wave due to currency depreciation.
  • The strength of Australian inflation may lead the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) to consider resuming rate hikes, while Japan is expected to continue its path towards steady normalization.
  • The unexpected announcement of a snap legislative election in France led to a significant widening in the spread between 10-year French and German government bond yields, marking the largest weekly increase since the European sovereign debt crisis in 2011.
  • Solid growth, robust corporate credit fundamentals, and strong demand for historically high yields continue to bolster fixed income spread sectors.

The portfolio outperformed its benchmark over the month and quarter. This was driven by our Country and Corporate selection strategies, respectively. By contrast, our Duration strategy detracted from excess returns. Contributions from our Country strategy were driven by our cross-market overweight to short-end Sweden and Canadian versus Australian rates. Both the Riksbank and Bank of Canada (BoC) embarked on their cutting cycle over the quarter, contributing to our position. Meanwhile, strong economic data prompted the Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) to consider resuming rate hikes. Our overweight New Zealand versus Japan rates position also contributed. This was primarily driven by our underweight to Japanese rates. The Bank of Japan (BoJ) grew less dovish over the quarter. Indeed, hawkish remarks from the central bank saw the 10-year Japanese government bond yield exceed 1% for the first time since 2012 in May. Meanwhile, contributions from our Corporate selection strategy were driven by our bias towards steepening of the investment grade (IG) corporate credit curve. This entails an overweight position on the short-to-medium maturity portion of the curve and underweight the long-end. Both components contributed to our steepener position. Our preference to be overweight BBB-rated IG credits also contributed to excess returns.

Our Duration strategy underperformed. This was primarily driven by our discretionary overweight to US rates. We held this position into the second quarter in anticipation of further disinflation and eventual US Federal Reserve (Fed) policy easing. We reduced this position over the quarter considering stronger-than-expected data and amid US rate volatility.    


Nikko AM Investment Scheme
Open Close


at 30 June 2024
One month Three months One year Three years (p.a) Five years (p.a)
Fund performance1 1.39% 0.30% 4.91% -2.25% 0.19%
Appropriate Market Index (AMI)2 0.87% 0.08% 3.82% -1.91% -0.05%
  1. Returns are before tax and after the deduction of fees and expenses and including tax credits (if any).
  2. AMI: Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Index hedged into NZD.

5 year cumulative performance $10,000 invested

Top 10 Holdings

Security Name Percentage
Gnma Ii 30Yr Single Family 200753 6.00 Tba 3.66%
Japan Government Of 090924 0.00 Gb 2.88%
Japan Government 190824 0.00 Gb 2.71%
Japan Government Of 050824 0.00 Gb 2.62%
Fncl 250742 0.0 Tba 1.91%
Japan Government 200630 0.10 Gb 1.70%
Japan Government 010125 0.005 Gb 1.58%
Export Development Canada 180129 2.625 Gb 1.50%
Future Margins-USD 1.46%
Gnma Ii 3O Year Single Family 201052 4.50 Mbs Pool Ma8347 1.45%
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