Diversified Funds

Nikko AM Conservative Fund

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About the fund

This fund aims for more modest investment returns which grow steadily over time, keeping ups and downs to a minimum. The fund does this by investing mostly in bonds and cash, but also has a moderate exposure to shares.

Risk Indicator (volatility)

4 Medium to High

Target Asset Allocation

Growth 23.00%
Income 77.00%

Find out more about Diversified Funds from Alan Clarke

Hear from Alan Clarke, Portfolio Manager. In this video, he explains what an average day in his job looks like and how Diversified Funds work. Alan also talks us through the investment process and details the main reasons why you should consider a Diversified Fund for your next investment.


As of 30 September 2024

Market Overview
  • The US Federal Reserve kicked off their much-anticipated rate-cutting with a 0.5% cut. The European, Swedish and Swiss central banks also cut rates.
  • A new policy stimulus package from the People’s Bank of China included support for the local property market, and liquidity provisions to support lending and stabilize the property market and broader equity markets.
  • Interest rate sensitive sectors such as Real Estate (+16.1%) and Utilities (+15.9%) led the way over the third quarter.
  • The US, NZ and Australian equity markets returned around 6% for the quarter, while the UK (+0.9%) and Japan (-4.2%) underperformed the broader market.
Fund Commentary
The Conservative fund posted a strong gain of 4.0% in the third quarter of 2024, in line with the return of the benchmark. The Global Share Fund was comfortably ahead of the benchmark for the quarter. The key contributors were from a broad range of sectors with Haleon (consumer staples), TransUnion (industrials) and Hoya Corp (healthcare) all performing well. This was driven by either their recent earnings report or improved forward guidance. The main detractors were also a mixed bunch, with Synopsys (IT), Elevance Health (healthcare) and SLB (energy) all detracting from relative performance. The local equity funds posted solid returns over the quarter on an absolute basis, but underperformed their relevant market indices. The Property Fund was the standout performer for the quarter in absolute (9.7%), partially on expectations of interest rates to come from the RBNZ. The Property Fund also did well in relative terms with strong performance from Waypoint REIT and Stride Property. Both the NZ and Global Bond funds added value over the quarter, with 1-year numbers also strongly ahead of benchmark. The New Zealand bond funds had been well positioned for a fall in interest rates, but also added value being underweight government bonds which underperformed swaps for the quarter. The Global Bond Fund added value through duration and curve positioning, as well as from the overweight to asset and mortgage-backed securities. Security selection in emerging market debt was a detractor over the quarter.


Nikko AM Investment Scheme
Open Close


at 30 September 2024
One month Three months One year Three years (p.a) Five years (p.a)
Fund performance1 0.68% 3.90% 12.56% 1.50% 2.73%
Appropriate Market Index (AMI)2 0.71% 3.99% 11.62% 1.94% 2.87%
  1. Returns are before tax and after the deduction of fees and expenses and including tax credits (if any).
  2. AMI:Composite - refer to Nikko AM NZ Investment Scheme OMI

5 year cumulative performance $10,000 invested

Top 10 Holdings

Security Name Percentage
NZ Government 2.75% 15/04/2037 2.18%
NZ Government 150534 4.25 Gb 1.86%
Japan Government 111124 0.00 Gb 1.52%
Housing NZ 1.534% 10/09/2035 1.31%
Japan Government 251124 0.00 Gb 1.25%
NZ Government 150541 1.75 GB 1.21%
Rabo 5.31% 05/04/2029 1.18%
NZ Local Govt Funding Agency 150425 2.75 GB 1.11%
Fisher & Paykel Healthcare 0.93%
Rabobank Nederla 160326 Frn 0.90%
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