
Info Centre - Nikko AM NZ

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Monthly Commentary June 2024

Global equity markets performed strongly for a second straight month in June, to close what began...

Monthly Commentary May 2024

Economic growth remained steady over the month of May, while corporate earnings reports were solid...

Future Focus Episode 4

In this episode Owen Batchelor, Portfolio Manager at Nikko AM, discusses the recent developments...

Monthly Commentary April 2024

Global equity markets finally took a few steps backwards over April after a run of exceptionally...

Future Focus Episode 3

In this episode, Alan Clarke, Portfolio Manager provides a thorough analysis of the recent economic...

New GoalsGetter KiwiSaver Scheme

To offer more KiwiSaver diversification with a quality fund mix, hand-picked from NZ’s leading Fund...

Future Focus Episode 2

In this episode of Future Focus, Michael Sherrock, Head of Equities at Nikko AM NZ, breaks down the...

Monthly Commentary March 2024

Markets performed strongly in March, with many of the same trends seen in January and February...

Future Focus Episode 1

Introducing our latest series for the curious investor: Future Focus - by GoalsGetter. We'll...

Monthly Commentary February 2024

February fund performance was strong in terms of both absolute return and relative returns, with...

Monthly Commentary January 2024

Global equity markets performed strongly over the first month of 2024, with new all-time highs for...

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